
Showing posts from March, 2018

78 Link Building Resources (2018 Update)

78 Link Building Resources (2018 Update) Link building is the cornerstone of SEO. Any good online marketer or SEO needs to know how to build links to their site if they want to rank well in Google. Many have said they’re less important than they were 10 years ago, and that may be true, but there is no doubt that they are still very valuable . And there’s no sign that it’s likely to change in the future. So a good link building strategy is an “ongoing practice” that ramps up overtime. You’re continuously working on it, and the more you work on it, and the more links you build, the better your chances of ranking higher in the almighty Google. My goal in this post is to create something that all marketers with all skill-sets can use. Whether you’re new to link building, or have been building your backlink profile for 10+ years, I think you’ll find some useful nuggets in this post. Those blogs, to this day, are still great resources to visit when looking ...

5 Ways to Bootstrap SEO When You're on a Tight Budget

5 Ways to Bootstrap SEO When You're on a Tight Budget Every business should be implementing SEO strategies in order to improve their website’s search engine rankings. But unfortunately, there are a lot of marketers and small-business owners who are not. Why? Many of them use the “it’s out of my budget” excuse to justify their decision to ignore SEO. However, SEO is more cost-effective than many other forms of marketing, including pay-per-click ads and social media marketing. And while not every business will have the budget to spend thousands every month on an SEO campaign, there are some simple things that you can do to get the most search traffic possible on a tight budget.  1. Google My Business. Small businesses and brick-and-mortar businesses should focus on gaining local exposure instead of trying to target potential customers located throughout the country. One way to improve your business’s local SEO is by optimizing its Google My Busines...

How to Design a Homepage That Converts

How to Design a Homepage That Converts First impressions matter. When someone visits your website, the first thing they’ll see is your homepage. The way your homepage is set up can make or break your conversion rates . I know how much time and effort it takes to improve your SEO ranking  and drive more traffic to your website. If you’re seeing a boost in your website traffic but not in conversions, it’s time for you to analyze your homepage. It doesn’t matter what type of business you have or what industry you’re in, focusing on the design of your homepage pays off. Where do you start? Your website has so much to offer. It can be overwhelming to decide what you want visitors to see first. It’s tempting to include as much information as possible. I’ve helped tons of businesses revamp their websites. I’m going to share some of the top elements of a homepage you need to focus on. If you follow these tips, your homepage will turn into a conversion mac...