6 Artificial Intelligence Apps That Will Help You Reach Your Goals
6 Artificial Intelligence Apps That Will Help You Reach Your Goals http://ift.tt/2rAxydZ Artificial intelligence isn’t coming — it’s already here. Stanford University’s “ One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence ” report from 2016 is close to the truth. AI already impacts our lives on a daily basis. The study’s expert panel expects to see AI integrated into industries like elder care, education and public safety by 2030. “The field of AI is shifting toward building intelligent systems that can collaborate effectively with people.” Tech companies are, of course, trendsetters when it comes to new technologies, and AI is no different. In fact, Google has been using AI through an algorithm it calls RankBrain , a machine-learning way to sort through all those Google Search results. While companies use AI to help them reach their business goals, AI can help you achieve personal goals 3 Magical Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Save Your Time 3 Magic...